"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass; it's about learning to dance in the rain" ~ Vivian Greenevia

Monday, May 23, 2011

Quite an Amazing Hello

“It takes just a couple of seconds to say hello, but forever to say goodbye” ~ Unknown

I met someone today. She was very extremely upbeat, nice, and in some way reminded me a lot of my mom. It was a random encounter, one that I didn’t see coming. We chatted for a few minutes and she reminded me of something really important. Something I think I may have momentarily forgot; something I am extremely thankful I was reminded of. The chances that I will ever see this person again are very rare, but this chance encounter will be a part of my journey; a part of who I am for the rest of my life.

When I got home today, I randomly came across this quote. Isn’t it true? Just like this woman I ran into today, so many people come into our lives each and every day. How easy is it to say hello, and welcome someone into our lives in one way or another. Perhaps the hello is to a new friend; someone who will be in your life for a very long time. Perhaps it will just be a brief encounter that will have lasting effects in your life. Maybe it’s neither. Maybe it is a passing hello that will have no effect on you, but will have effects that last forever on the other person.

No matter which way it works out, we say hello to so many people in our lifetime, and it is so easy. It’s easy to welcome new people into our lives. How hard is it, though, to say goodbye? Even when we know the time is right? Even when it’s been a year? Or two? Or ten? Can you ever really say goodbye? I am beginning to question this.

Throughout the last year, I’ve tried on multiple occasions in multiple situations, to say goodbye. No matter what the situation was or with whom I am trying to say goodbye to, that impression – or the hello – is always there. It never goes away. Even when you know the goodbye is for the best, or inevitable, or needed. Maybe this is for the better? As much as we would like to say goodbye to some people or some situations, perhaps its better we not. Looking back, there are things that I have learned from each and every hello. Things have built my life, built who I am. Would I want to change that? I don’t think so. As many mistakes and bad decisions I’ve made in my life – as many regrets that I have – I don’t think I would want to go back and erase those hellos.

The simple words of this woman today made quite an impression on my life, and perhaps this woman will never even know this. I think it is important to remember how important all of the hellos in our life are, and to take the time to slow down and welcome them. I could have been in a hurry and rushed right by. I’m glad I took the moment I did to slow down. I’m glad for the hello I received today.