"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass; it's about learning to dance in the rain" ~ Vivian Greenevia

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Making it Work

There are so many obstacles in life. Throughout the last 28 years, I have thought about all of the obstacles that I have faced. They are nothing compared to what so many in this world face. I was reminded of this, thinking about the life of a great woman – my aunt, Jill Bergquist.

28 years ago, the same year I was born, my aunt faced a huge obstacle. She overcame it. She survived, she flourished, and smiled. She reminded me every day for the last 28 years what it is like to be a fighter; to love life; to never give up. Even though life was not easy, she kept going. She never stopped smiling. She inspired me. She will keep inspiring me every day of my life.

Today, as the frustration set in and I felt the issues building, I was ready to say forget it; I’m done. Just as this frustration seemed to be peaking, I received a reminder about life that put things back into perspective. I thought about my aunt and all of the times in my childhood I could remember her saying she had a headache, only to smile and laugh and continue to play with me. I remember her walking with her cane, but being able to work through it all and do it all herself. I remember that all is possible. Life is possible as long as we are willing to make it work. I’m going to make it work.

On Tuesday, August 9th, 2011 God called home a beautiful angel. There to meet her was another beautiful angel. Missing them both every day.